25. The average size of fragments, in base pairs, observed after genomic DNA from 8 different species was individually cleaved with each of 6 different restriction enzymes, is shown below:
| | | | | | |
Species | ApaI | HindIII | SacI | SspI | SrfI | NotI |
Escherichia coli | 68000 | 8000 | 31000 | 2000 | 120000 | 200000 |
M. tuberculosis | 2000 | 18000 | 4000 | 32000 | 10000 | 4000 |
S. cerevisiae | 15000 | 3000 | 8000 | 1000 | 570000 | 290000 |
A. thaliana | 52000 | 2000 | 5000 | 1000 | No sites | 610000 |
C. elegans | 38000 | 3000 | 5000 | 800 | 1.11M | 260000 |
D. melanogaster | 13000 | 3000 | 6000 | 900 | 170000 | 83000 |
Mus musculus | 5000 | 3000 | 3000 | 3000 | 120000 | 120000 |
Homo sapiens | 5000 | 4000 | 5000 | 1000 | 120000 | 260000 |
continuing the table...
| |
Species | NotI |
Escherichia coli | 200000 |
M. tuberculosis | 4000 |
S. cerevisiae | 290000 |
A. thaliana | 610000 |
C. elegans | 260000 |
D. melanogaster | 83000 |
Mus musculus | 120000 |
Homo sapiens | 260000 |
a) Under the assumption that each genome has equal amounts of A, T, G, and C, and that on average these bases are evenly distributed, what average fragment size is expected following digestion with each enzyme?
b) How might you explain each of the following?
i. There is a large variation in the average fragment sizes when different genomes are cut with the same enzyme.
ii. There is a large variation in the average fragment sizes when the same genome is cut with different enzymes that recognize sites having the same length (e.g., ApaI, HindIII, SacI, and SspI).
iii. Both SrfI and NotI, which each recognize an 8-bp site, cut the Mycobacterium genome more frequently than SspI and HindIII, which each recognize a 6-bp site.
c) Based on this data, which enzymes would be good choices for constructing a restriction map of a chromosome (or a large segment of a chromosome) in each organism? Explain your choices.
26. STS mapping has been useful to generate clone contig maps. Perform the following exercise to consider the logistics of locating STSs using PCR.
a) A plasmid library contains 500-bp inserts generated from randomly sheared mouse DNA. How would you identify clones harboring STRs with the dinucleotide repeat (AT)N or the trinucleotide repeat (CAG)N?
b) How would you use these STRs as STSs in a mapping experiment?
c) Nusbaum and colleagues generated a YAC-based physical map of the mouse genome by localizing 8,203 STSs onto 960 YAC clones. If each of the STSs were assayed in each of the 960 YAC clones, how many different PCRs would need to be analyzed?
d) Although PCRs can be performed robotically, each reaction consumes time and material resources, and with each there is a certain chance of a false positive result or other error. It is therefore advantageous to reduce the number of PCR reactions by pooling individual YACs together. First, yeast colonies containing the YACs are grown individually in the wells of ten 96-well plates. Suppose the plates are numbered I to X and the wells of each plate are arrayed in an 8-row x 12 grid. The rows are coded A-H and the columns coded 1-12. This allows the position of a single YAC to be specified uniquely by a code (e.g., II-C6 specifies the YAC clone from plate II, row C, column 6). In one pooling scheme, all YACs from each row of a plate are pooled into one well (e.g., those on plate II, A1-A12 are pooled together into a well designated II-A) and all YACs from each column of a plate are pooled into one well (those on plate II, A7-H7 are pooled together into a well designated II-7).
i. How many different pools would now have to be screened with each STS?
ii. How many PCRs would have to be performed?
iii. If the II6 and IIF pools had a positive result with STS #6239, what is the code of the YAC containing this STS?
iv. How would you interpret a result where only the IV3 pool was positive for a particular STS?
e) Construct a YAC contig based on the results in the following table
STS marker | Positive YAC pools |
63 | II-6, II-A |
210 | II-6, II-A, IV-C, IV-3 |
522 | VII-E, VII-12, X-G, I-C, I-8 |
713 | I-C, I-8 |
714 | VII-E, VII-12 |
719 | X-H, X-9, IV-C, IV-3 |
991 | X-H, X-9, VII-E, VII-12 |
1071 | II-6, II-A, IV-C, IV-3, X-H, X-9 |
2631 | II-6, II-A |
3097 | VII-E, VII-12, I-C, I-8 |
4630 | VII-E, VII-12, I-C, I-8 |
5192 | X-H, X-9, IV-C, IV-3 |
6193 | X-H, X-9, VII-E, VII-12 |
6892 | II-6, II-A, IV-C, IV-3 |
f) Devise a method to combine the YACs pooled in (c) to further reduce the number of PCRs. In your method, how many pools are there and how many PCRs must be performed?
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